Vibration, Intuition, Breath, and Energy
Customized Therapy
For Every Client
Physical Therapy tailored to Yoga poses is my unique offering in my VIBE Wellness Program. These are private sessions and are customized to each individual. I am eager to share yoga to clients who are open to beginning their customized yoga program, especially beginners! With an open heart I will meet you on the mat to practice: awareness, balance posture, flexibility, core strength, and mindfulness.
You are your own key, to succeed, and being empowered. We all have the environment and
software built into us already. We just need to ground, center, and constantly re- charge, reboot
our operating systems, aka: mind, body, and energy fields.
Yoga for joint replacement, surgery, both pre- and post operative.
Come Take Class
Posture & Alignment
Class Focus explores breath linked to asana poses, and present moment awareness. Mindful tree-pose alignment supports healthy joint posture in every yoga pose. Core stability and education rooted in one’s own inner wisdom is the key to reaching ideal posture.
9:00am to 10:00am
With Megan Hanrahan
Customized Therapy for Every Client
Physical Therapy tailored to Yoga poses is my unique offering in my VIBE Wellness Program. These are private sessions and are customized to each individual. I am eager to share yoga to clients who are open to beginning their customized yoga program, especially beginners! With an open heart I will meet you on the mat to practice: awareness, balance posture, flexibility, core strength, and mindfulness.