(801) 891-5711 megan@vibewellnessllc.com


You are your own key, to succeed,
and being empowered.


Megan Hanrahan
Physical Therapist/ Yoga Instructor

Phone: (801) 891-5711
E-mail: megan@vibewellnessllc.com

VIBE Wellness has 2 locations to better serve your needs!


  • Vitalize Community Studio located at: 3474 South 2300 East, #12, SLC, UT 84109
  • Smart Bodies Fitness & Pilates located at: 2263 East Murray Holiday Road, SLC, UT 84117

Email Megan

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Vitalize Community Stuidio

Vitalize Community Studio
3474 South 2300 East, #12, SLC, UT 84109

Smart Bodies Fitness & Pilates

Smart Bodies Fitness & Pilates
2263 East Murray Holiday Road, SLC, UT 8411