A Fusion of Physical Therapy & Yoga
Yoga and Physical Therapy are the core building blocks to VIBE Wellness support program toward optimal health and wellness.
Whether you’re at work, play, grocery shopping, recreating, or supporting your health through a crisis, being at the top of your game helps you through all of life’s situations and allows you to thrive!
You are your own key, to success, and to being empowered. You have the environment and software built into you already. All you need is to ground, center, and constantly re-charge, reboot your operating systems, aka: your mind, body, and energy fields.
Let’s start from the beginning of how to best tune into this inner wisdom.

Tune into your
This is a fundamental component to life on earth as we live it. Vibration: sound, energy! Stillness, silence, peace. Vibration is there, and finding those vibrations that resonate, or elevate our current state are often what we seek.
Slowing down, breathing, and creating space, is one of the best ways to center. Everyone wants to go fast, move, talk, text, but there is validity in slowing down, and taking time to experience, be present, be aware. Breath is grounding, comforting, soothing, and energizing. Babies breathe fully, and loudly at times. Kids, when concentrating, will often breath quite loudly! VIBE Wellness helps supports the grounding practices of hearing your breath and raising awareness of the rate, and depth, inhale and exhale.
Your inner compass, feelings of inspiration, creativity, going with your “gut”, curiosity, exploring, seeking, and listening. When we choose freely and allow more intuition to flow through us, our responses can be more powerful than other forms of information, such as the advice or others.
VIBE Wellness helps support you in navigating health and wellness. Intuition plays a role in strengthening choices toward, exercise, nutrition, and healing modalities. VIBE supports you in making changes in life, taking action, being more in tune with your decision making process.
Life force, energetic centers, chakras, nadis, chi, prana, what makes us alive, and vital. Potential, charge our batteries.
Customized Therapy for Every Client
Physical Therapy tailored to Yoga poses is my unique offering in my VIBE Wellness Program. These are private sessions and are customized to each individual. I am eager to share yoga to clients who are open to beginning their customized yoga program, especially beginners! With an open heart I will meet you on the mat to practice: awareness, balance posture, flexibility, core strength, and mindfulness.

Latest Articles
This is Why I do Yoga!
People often launch into a conversation with me about “wanting to, or having the nudge to practice yoga”, but often push yoga away as too challenging, or not for them because they aren’t flexible enough. Many say they took a class or two, and it was a...
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Posture and Alignment:
Class Focus explores breath linked to asana poses, and present moment awareness. Mindful tree-pose alignment supports healthy joint posture in every yoga pose. Core stability and education rooted in one’s own inner wisdom is the key to reaching ideal posture.
What People Are Saying
“Megan has gone above and beyond to help me with my goals – from tailoring each session and the overall program to my physical or mental needs on any given day, to providing house calls, to incorporating my infant and then toddler, to enveloping my body and spirit with kindness and care at a time in my life when I truly need support. I highly recommend integrating Megan as a key part of your wellness plan!”
Leidy VanIspelen“Megan really cares about her clients. She has a lot of empathy for the total person. With her physical therapy background, she carefully leads you into new postures with good techniques and alignment, thus avoiding injuries, but achieving excellent results. I have learned a lot from Megan and am always uplifted.”
Joan Blanck